Friday, April 8, 2011

General Pesach Information

11 Nissan

Friday Night April 15
Farbengen in honor of 11 Nissan
Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Erev Pesach

Sunday April 17
Search for Chametz 8:25pm

Monday April 18
Shacharis 7:00am including Siyum for the firstborns
Eat Chametz untill 11:12am
Burn Chametz by 12:12pm

First Days

Monday April 18
Mincha 7:15
Light candles 7:38

Tuesday April 19
Light candles after 8:34

Wednesday April 20
Yom Tov Ends 8:34

Chol Hamoed

Friday April 22
Light Candles 7:41

Shabbos April 23
Shabbos Ends 8:37

Second Days

Sunday April 24
Light candles 7:42

Monday April 25
Light candles after 8:38

Tuesday April 26
Yom-Tov ends 8:39

A Seder Near you

Date/Time: Monday,April 18th,
Following Services 7:00 pm at
Location: Your local Chabad Center

Adults $50, Children under 12 and Students $25
Call for family price

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 19th 7:30PM
Location: Your local Chabad Center

Adults $36, Children under 12 and Students $18
Call for family price

Tuesday April 26th, 6:30pm
Pesach celebrates the experience of the Exodus from Egypt and the anticipation of the future redemption.
The Baal Shem Tov initiated a delightful custom known as
Moshiach's Seuda - The feast of Moshiach