Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Purim Happenings around the first coast

19th Annual Purim Celebration, Sunday March 20, 4:00 pm, see back cover for more information


Family Megillah Readings
“Special Megillah Readings” will be offered for families on Sunday, March 20.
In addition to the Megillah Reading during the Shacharit services which begins at 9:00 am, there will be 2 additional readings to accommodate the various schedules and needs of all members of the community, they will take place at 12:00 pm as well as 3:00 pm at the Chabad Center.

On Motzei Shabbos, March 19, at 8:45 pm. Men women and children will gather together at the Chabad Center to listen to the Megillah and say Boo to Haman.
Everyone, young and old, are encouraged to come in Purim costumes. Special prizes for all children dressed up. Refreshments will be served.

Chabad @ the Beaches Purim Party
Saturday, March 19th 8:30 P.M.

Chabad at the Beaches’ annual Purim celebration will be enjoyed by many men, woman and children from throughout the Beaches area. The event will be held on March 19th at Chabad at the Beaches’ Center for Jewish Life. The African-themed party will offer a unique way for Jews of diverse affiliations and backgrounds to unite and celebrate Purim together. Attendees are encouraged to dress in African garb.

The evening will begin with the traditional reading of the Megilla [scroll of Esther], which relates the story of Purim. Simultaneously participants will view a multi-media slide show illustrating the historical events of Purim. To drown out the name of the wicked adversary Haman, children will enthusiastically jump on gigantic bubble wrap, shake graggers (noisemakers) and drum on African drums.

A highlight of the party will be the African drum circle led by Steve Alvarado. The interactive circle will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. Drumming is an ancient musical tradition that many cultures around the world use to energize, build unity, focus attention, relax and heighten creativity. No musical experience is necessary to join us! With a few rhythm starters, our group will experience the fun, excitement and humor that collaboration brings. Please bring percussion instruments.

The event will be held Saturday evening, March19th starting with a Havdalla Service at 8:15 PM The Megilla will be read at 8:30 PM followed by African themed Purim goodies and traditional Purim food.

Sunday Morning Megillah Reading
Megillah Readings for families on Sunday, March 20 at 11:30 PM, Hebrew school families feel free to come 15 min prior to normal pickup to join us.
It is a mitzvah for all Jewish people, to hear the Megilla twice during the 24 hours of Purim, once on Purim Eve and once on Purim Day.

Chabad of S. Augustine - Purim Party
“Purim in the Palace”
Saturday, March 19, 8:45 P.M.

Hear ye, hear ye! You are cordially invited to a royal feast in the king’s palace!


Food “fit for a king”
Royal musician
Purim costume beauty pageant
Pose on King Achashveirosh’s throne
Multi-media megillah reading
Royal jester

Southside Purim Bash!
Join us for the
Purim Masquerade Party

Megillah Reading and Delicious Refreshments
Best Costume is a WINNER!!!!
Saturday evening, March 19th Havdalla ceremony 8:15 PM Megilla Reading 8:30 PM

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